Moyle Park College

The Transition Year Programme is designed to act as a bridge between the Junior and Senior Cycle.

It helps introduce students to the more independent self-directed learning of the senior cycle.

It helps prepare students for life in the world outside school.Students get the opportunity to sample a wide range of subject areas and can make more informed choices about the kind of Leaving Certificate programme they want to follow after Transition Year. (NCCA – Transition Year) 

Transition year is an optional one-year school-based programme offered to 48 students each year. It acts as a bridge between the Junior and Senior cycles and allows students to experience more independent, self-directed learning that is required for the Senior Cycle.

We aim to provide the following opportunities for all students.

  • Time to mature and develop greater self-awareness and self-esteem.
  • Experience of different learning environments, active self-directed learning, responsibility for their own learning and project-based work.
  • Time and the option to sample some Leaving Certificate subjects, and this coupled with guidance throughout the year leads to informed subject choices for the Leaving Certificate.
  • To develop interpersonal skills through group work and activities.
  • You may discover hidden talents – acting/debating/computers.

The Transition Year Programme

Core Subjects

Students continue with the three core subjects of Irish,Maths and English as well as studying one European language and Science.Students explore new areas of these subjects while maintaining and improving their standards from the Junior Certificate.

Subject Sampling

Students experience subjects they may not have studied for the Junior Certificate. Art,Music,Woodwork and Business are all available to Transition Year students at Moyle Park College.

New Subjects

Students enjoy a range of new subjects they would not have experienced on the school curriculum before this. Some of these include: Journalism,Environmental Studies and Agricultural Science.


Students get involved in many extra-curricular activities and often compete or take part in national events. Some of these include:

  • Young Social Innovator (YSI)
  • College for Every Student (CFES)
  • Gaisce
  • Bridge 21 @ TCD
  • Tenderfoot at Civic Theatre Tallaght
  • Street Law with the Law Society
  • Fundraising
  • Garda Workshop
  • Visiting the Criminal Courts of Justice
  • Fighting Words
  • Fundraising for Irish Autism Society (Rose Week)
  • Craft Fair (Enterprise projects)
  • Poetry Workshops

 Work Experience and Community Placement

Students complete four weeks of work experience during the school year (two weeks in October and two weeks in February) Students source their own work experience in an area they would have a particular interest in. Many students have found that their work experience has led them to change their minds about careers in that area. 

TY students complete two weeks of Community Placement in December each year and they source their own placement in the community.Students have generally enjoyed this time as they feel they have given back to their community and opens their minds to other areas for career investigations.

 Moyle Park TY Motto

You will only get out of TY what you put in