What is Green-Schools Ireland?
Green-Schools in Ireland is operated and coordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce (FEE member for Ireland), in partnership with Local Authorities throughout the country, is supported by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government, the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and is sponsored by Repak and the Wrigley Company Ltd.
Over 3,700 primary, secondary and special schools in Ireland (>92% of all Irish schools) are currently participating part in the program and over 2785 schools have been awarded the Green Flag. The Irish Green-Schools program is one of the most successful within the international network. One of the main factors in the success of the Irish Green-Schools program is the partnership between the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce and Local Authorities i.e. the financial and time contribution of the Local Authorities to the program.
Green-Schools’ offers our school:
- An opportunity to help develop students’ decision-making skills;
- An opportunity to build students’ confidence and sense of citizenship through participation;
- Curriculum materials and ideas for projects and events;
- Access to a network of support agencies;
- Links with other schools in Ireland and internationally;
- A prestigious and internationally recognised award;
- Opportunities for local and national publicity;
- Potential for financial savings;
- Reduction of waste and litter, reduced energy and water consumption levels;
- Improved school environment;
- Opportunity to involve the local community.
Our First Flag was for Litter & Waste:
Work Already Achieved
- 3 Large general waste bins collected per week down to two
- The litter problem in the yard has improved significantly by teachers modelling the right behaviour
- Plastic, cardboard and tins are being separated and recycled every day
- The work the LCA class puts into collecting the paper bins from each class
- The quota set on the photocopier to reduce paper consumption
- Making more use of the overhead projector to reduce further paper consumption